Monday, November 9, 2009

Bridge views

Assateague is a barrier beach that stretches from Maryland to Virginia on the eastern shore of the Delmarva Peninsula. The Wildlife Refuge is on Assateague but named after the nearest post office (that's the way U.S. Fish & Wildlife always does it), which is on Chincoteague. Chincoteague is nestled between Assateague and the mainland. These pictures were taken from the bridge that connects the two islands.


amarilla said...

OH MY those clouds look like the snow geese in your last post! That's so eerie and cool!

Matthew said...

Yes, don't they! OHS saw them and called them that. Literalist that I am, I just wondered what that kind of formation is called. "Horsetail" is one term.

amarilla said...

Horsetail clouds are nicely figurative in Asateague and Chincoteague as well.

My dad used to take us there when we were very little. I was too little to have any idea where I was, but I loved it, especially the tide pools. If you walk all the way to the point on Chincoteague I believe you find a spot where lots of shells have collected. Or at least that was the case 15 or so years ago.

Matthew said...

I heard talk of a whelk cache out there, but didn't make it this tiime.

amarilla said...

Whelk cache!