Saturday, October 24, 2009


“To delimit a coastline is to delimit the land and simultaneously to indicate the illimitable ocean beating upon it; to show the limits of what can be said is to acknowledge the immensity of what Wittgenstein calls das Mystische, the transcendental and ineffable.”

--Tim Robinson, Connemara: The Last Pool of Darkness

Today is the 350 Action Day. These actions do not include Nike’s grotesquely entitled “Human Race,” which will be clogging up the park drive with narcissists.


amarilla said...

Unbelievable quote, thank you. BTW, last year I bought The Stones of Aran for my father's birthday present because of your post about it. Anyway, my stepmother told me he read it immediately with a pencil in his hand, so thanks!!

This year I bought him Free Play by Nachmanovitch, which I've been reading in starts and fits for a while. Hopefully it will go over as well.

Matthew said...

More thoughts on Robinson forthcoming... don't kmow Nachmanetc but will look into it.

amarilla said...

I look forward to that.