Tuesday, May 6, 2008

morning songs

Out of the house at 6:10 this morning, to be greeted by the mosquito buzz of three helicopters over downtown Brooklyn and banners on my local streetlights proclaiming the grotesque mantra “Brooklyn Loves to Shop” (courtesy of the pimps at NYC&Co, evidently no longer whipped into shape by Rudy’s discarded moll, C. Lategano). Wanted to get into Prospect before work, but the F train took forever: From the Ft. Hamilton stop, I went up Breeze Hill, where a cult and/or troop of actors were clearing a circle, their leader in an extravagant coat. Creepy. Nonetheless, I enjoyed the birdsong. Very unproductive for warblers, however: black and white, yellow-rumped, something I couldn’t ID. (I bet it’s jumping now, though, damn it!) Blue-headed vireo. Coming down towards the Quaker Cemetery, I saw male and female scarlet tanagers, which certainly made it all worthwhile.
An adventuress details the Dead Horse Bay situation in photographs here.

1 comment:

Gerry Gomez Pearlberg said...

Those Dead Horse Bay pictures are out of control. Dying to get there. Maybe in the fall.