Thursday, September 10, 2009

Sharecropper Winds Down

This is what my part of the Sharecropper project looked like on June 11th when we installed these stainless steel mesh pots with several types of heirloom beans in my messy backyard. Here's Leah's explanation and description of the project. I was more than happy to donate my space, one of a dozen and a half plots spread around all five boroughs, each growing something different, for this quilt-like micro farm.
This is an arachnid interlude. This one was on the basil today. If you plant it, they will come.
This is what Sharecropper looks like today. The project is officially coming to an end this weekend with a couple of events, although how does one end something that is living and thus quite unpredictable? I still have beans maturing, and flowers that may yet turn to beans. Indian Summer, anyone? The huge amount of rain we had this year, the cooler than normal temperatures, the short summer (in terms of heat), were all part of the project, although quite unplanned for. We didn't get a great number of beans, but seeing these purple beauties quite made up for it.

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