Thursday, June 26, 2008

Henry St. Apricots

A good number of honeybees working the flowers in front of Borough Hall this afternoon. In honor, no doubt, of National Pollination Week. On the way there, as I passed the hyper-ripe shadbush/serviceberry on Sidney Pl., a woman came out the building and I asked her if she knew that those berries were edible. She did, said they were juneberries (yet another name) and quoth the latin back at me, Amelanchier. And that they saved them for the birds, but I was welcome to try one. Um, I already had. These apricots down the block are close, so close. I’ll probably have to fight the Terraced One (she’s go the heights) for them, since her blog alerted me to them.

1 comment:

Marie said...

There's another one on Clinton about four blocks beyond Atlantic...