Saturday, August 18, 2007

Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge

Warm and windy there today. Not much birding action, though, at least on West Pond. Took the A train to Broad Channel, a place that never fails to creep me out. An all-white uber patriotic place where everybody seems to be a about insular.

Rose hips, rosa rugosa.

Yeah, that's a rat. I told a ranger I ran into that they had caught one. Actually thought about releasing it, but then I remembered they're invasive, and bad news for shorebirds because they eat the eggs. Sorry, dude. M's gonna kill me if I tell her.

Prickly pear cactus. They love the dry, sandy soil. That's right, cactus in NYC.

An annual cicada, summer's howler, as always looking like it stepped out of the Carboniferous.

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