The roots of a tree, toppled near an eroding dunebank at Dead Horse Bay. I don't know what you thought it might be.
Birded Central with Starr Saphir yesterday. Yes, that's her name, she's been birding for 60 years and is as far from a New Ager as you can imagine; she leads tours for NYC Audubon. Carolina wren, palm warbler, purple finch, two racoons, three border collies (two of them part of the Geese Police: book em, Lassie!) were highlights. Birded Prospect this morning with T: black-throated green warbler, common loon, wood duck, brown creeper, one racoon (no collies, alas), plus stories of the fowl and food of Thailand. Two noisy oystercatchers at Dead Horse Bay, as well as an unidentified flying shorebird needling the shallows. Yellowlegs thought B, but I had no bins with me to confirm. What else at DHB: bottles, so many bottles, shoes, ceramics, plastics, junk, craziness, bones, bones, bones. Some guy urging us not to tell anyone about it. OK, pal, your secret is safe with us.
I must have gotten a lot of sun, but I had my hat on. And sun block. Starting to see crows around my eyes. First time in shorts this year. High 70s, but it cooled down quickly as the magic hour approached. But I took my convertible pants with me. Or else I took them off the dummy above.
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